Pazar meat pie prepared in traditional way

Кратак опис: 

Mantije (Turkish manti, dumplings) of Novi Pazar, the specialty of the urban cuisine of Novi Pazar, is a dish made of laminated dough stuffed with minced meat. Mantije are prepared by women from the old urban families of Novi Pazar by placing a filling made of onions and meat onto a leaf of dough, cut into square pieces.

As a traditional dish, mantije are part of the daily diet, as well as part of the festive table prepared for important family gatherings related to the life cycle, such as the birth of a child, marriage, or funerary customs, primarily among the Bosniak population in the Novi Pazar region (southwestern Serbia).

Назив локалитета: 
Novi Pazar region
Етнографска област или регион: 
Southwestern Serbia
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Датум уписа на листу НКН: 
Monday, June 18, 2012